Unlike Estonian, Welsh, Irish and many other languages, but like English, German, French and others, Lithuanian has a specific verb to signify possession.
This verb is turėti
I have, you have, s/he has, we have, you have, they have
aš turiu, tu turi, ji/jis turi, mes turime, jūs turite, jos/jie turi
In the positive, turėti demands the accusative (galininkas) while in the negative it demands the genitive (kilmininkas). [In Estonian a possessed noun takes the nominative (nimetav) while a noun that is not possessed takes the partitive (osastav). The possessor takes the adessive (alaütlev)].
Some nouns
NOM (v.) -------------- GEN (k.) -------------- ACC (g.)
brolis -------------- brolio -------------- brolį
sesuo -------------- sesers -------------- seserį
sūnus -------------- sūnaus -------------- sūnų
duktė -------------- dukters -------------- dukterį
dėdė -------------- dėdės -------------- dėdę
teta -------------- tetos -------------- tetą
katinas -------------- katino -------------- katiną
šuo -------------- šuns -------------- šunį
Aš neturiu brolio, bet turiu seserį.
I have a brother, but I don't have a sister.
Mul on vend, aga mul pole õde.
Moteris turi dukterį, bet ji neturi sūnaus.
The woman has a daughter but she does not have a son.
Naisel on tütar, aga tal ei ole poega.
Ar tu turi dėdę? ---- Ne, aš neturiu dėdės, bet aš turiu tetą.
Do you have an uncle? ---- No, I do not have an uncle, but I have an aunt.
Kas sul on onu? ---- Ei, mul ei ole onu, aga mul on tädi.
Mano seneliai turi katiną.
My grandparents have a cat.
Minu vanavanematel on kass.
Ar tu taip pat turi katiną? ----- Ne, aš turiu šunį.
Do you also have a cat? ---- No, I have a dog.
Kas sul on ka kass? ---- Ei, mul on koer.
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